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Budget 2015 - Table of Contents
- Chapter 1
- Introduction
- Economic Action Plan 2015
- Supporting the Manufacturing Sector and Investing in Advanced Research (Chapter 3.1)
- Helping Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs Create Jobs (Chapter 3.2)
- Training a Highly Skilled Workforce (Chapter 3.3)
- Investing in Infrastructure (Chapter 3.4)
- Growing Trade and Expanding Markets (Chapter 3.5)
- Low-Tax Plan to Help Families Make Ends Meet (Chapter 4.1)
- Building Strong Communities (Chapter 4.2)
- Supporting the Charitable and Non-Profit Sector
- Taking Action for Veterans
- Supporting the Most Vulnerable in Communities
- Helping Canadians With Disabilities
- Investing in the Health of Canadians
- Investing in Aboriginal Communities
- Assisting International Communities
- Celebrating Our Heritage
- Protecting Canada’s Environment
- Protecting Canadians (Chapter 4.3)
- Balancing the Budget (Chapter 5)
- Introduction
- Chapter 2 - Economic Developments and Prospects
- Chapter 3.0 - Creating Jobs and Economic Growth
- Chapter 3.1 - Supporting the Manufacturing Sector and Investing in Advanced Research
- Highlights
- Introduction
- Encouraging Investment in Canada’s Manufacturing Sector
- Supporting World-Class Advanced Research
- Supporting Research, Infrastructure and Talent
- Investing in Leading-Edge Research Infrastructure
- Strengthening Digital Research Infrastructure
- Supporting Leading-Edge Research Through the Granting Councils
- Confirming Canada’s Participation in the World-Leading Thirty Meter Telescope
- Investing in Canada’s Premier Strengths in Physics
- Supporting Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
- Renewing Funding for the Council of Canadian Academies
- Supporting Business Innovation
- Fostering the Growth of Canada’s Space Sector
- Fostering Business-Driven Research and Development at the National Research Council
- Internships for the Next Generation of Research and Development Leaders
- Strengthening the Delivery of Business Innovation Programs
- Fostering International Science and Technology Partnerships
- Enhancing Business Use of Intellectual Property
- Chapter 3.2 - Helping Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs Create Jobs
- Highlights
- Introduction
- Helping Small Businesses Grow and Fostering Entrepreneurship
- Lowering the EI Premium Rate in 2017
- Reducing Taxes for Small Businesses
- Increasing the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption to $1 Million for Owners of Farm and Fishing Businesses
- Improving Access to Financing for Canadian Small Businesses
- Expanding Services of the Business Development Bank of Canada to Support Canadian Businesses
- New Export Development Canada Initiatives for Canadian Small Businesses
- Helping Innovative Companies Grow and Create Jobs Through the Venture Capital Action Plan
- Supporting Young Entrepreneurs Through Futurpreneur Canada
- Supporting Women in Business Through the Action Plan for Women Entrepreneurs
- Reducing Red Tape for Businesses and Enhancing Corporate Governance
- Reducing the Tax Compliance Burden
- A Quarterly Remitter Category for New Employers
- Consulting on the Active Versus Passive Business Income Rules for the Small Business Deduction
- Expanding the Use of Business Numbers
- Streamlining Withholding Requirements for Non-Resident Employers
- Repeated Failure to Report Income Penalty
- The Canada Revenue Agency Continues to Cut Red Tape and Improve Services
- Modernizing Canada’s Corporate Governance Framework
- Reducing the Tax Compliance Burden
- Chapter 3.3 - Training a Highly Skilled Workforce
- Highlights
- Introduction
- Training the Workforce of Tomorrow
- Supporting Apprenticeship Training
- Providing Support to Provinces and Territories to Harmonize Apprenticeship Training
- Promoting Blue Seal Certification
- Fostering Training That Responds to Employer Needs
- Expanding Eligibility for Canada Student Grants
- Making Canada Student Loans Work for Families
- Enhancing Canada Student Loans
- Investing in Aboriginal Labour Market Programming
- Improving Canadians’ Access to Computer Equipment and Digital Skills
- Supporting Canadian Workers
- Removing Disincentives to Work
- Improving Take-up of the Working Income Tax Benefit
- Enhancing Labour Market Information
- Ensuring Training Reflects Labour Market Needs
- Removing Financial Barriers to Foreign Credential Recognition
- Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Workplace
- Strengthening Compliance With the Canada Labour Code
- Modernizing the Government Employees Compensation Act
- Ensuring a Healthier and More Productive Public Service
- Chapter 3.4 - Investing in Infrastructure
- Highlights
- Investing in Infrastructure
- Investments Are Making a Difference
- A New Building Canada Plan
- A Decade of Record Funding for Provinces, Territories and Municipalities
- Shovels in the Ground—Implementing the New Building Canada Fund
- The Federal Gas Tax Fund—Dedicated Funding for Municipalities
- Continuing to Advance the New Building Canada Plan
- Increasing Borrowing Limits for the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
- Supporting Major Public Transit Projects
- Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program
- Continuing to Build and Renew Federal Infrastructure
- Chapter 3.5 - Growing Trade and Expanding Markets
- Highlights
- Introduction
- Fostering Trade
- Export Market Development Program
- Enhancing the Trade Commissioner Service
- Securing Agriculture Market Access
- Expanding the AgriMarketing Program
- Supporting the Canadian Sealing Industry
- Promoting Canada as a Global Maritime Centre
- Promoting Canadian Tourism
- Ensuring an Effective Trade Remedy System
- Reducing Barriers to Internal Trade
- Responsible Resource Development
- Supporting the Creation of an LNG Industry in Canada
- Supporting Junior Mineral Exploration
- Facilitating Responsible Resource Development
- Major Projects Management Office Initiative
- Supporting Consultations and Public Engagement in Federal Environmental Assessment Processes
- Contributing to the Safety of Energy Transportation Infrastructure
- Extending Natural Gas Export Licences
- Safe and Secure Shipping
- Supporting Jobs in Mining Through Geoscience Investments
- Unlocking Rare Earth Elements and Chromite Production in Canada
- Supporting Forest Sector Innovation and Marketing
- Chapter 4.0: Prosperous Families and Strong, Secure Communities
- Chapter 4.1: Low-Tax Plan to Help Families Make Ends Meet
- Highlights
- Introduction
- Helping Families Make Ends Meet
- Supporting Seniors
- Protecting Consumers and Enhancing Canada's Financial Sector
- Consumer Protection Framework for Banks
- Investigating Cross-Border Price Discrimination
- Expanding the Voluntary Mortgage Prepayment Disclosure Commitment
- Financial Literacy Strategy
- Taxpayer Protection and Bank Recapitalization Regime
- Reinforcing the Housing Finance Framework
- Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System
- Financial Sector Oversight
- National Counterfeit Enforcement Strategy
- Credit Unions
- Retail Payment Systems
- Federal Pension Framework
- Renminbi Hub
- Chapter 4.2 - Strong Communities
- Highlights
- Supporting the Charitable and Non-Profit Sector
- Taking Action for Veterans
- Supporting the Most Vulnerable in Communities
- Helping Canadians With Disabilities
- Investing in the Health of Canadians
- Investing in Aboriginal Communities
- Assisting International Communities
- Celebrating Our Heritage
- Protecting Canada’s Environment
- Introduction
- Supporting the Charitable and Non-Profit Sector
- Taking Action for Veterans
- Supporting the Most Vulnerable in Communities
- Helping Canadians With Disabilities
- Investing in the Health of Canadians
- Investing in Aboriginal Communities
- Assisting International Communities
- Celebrating Our Heritage
- Protecting Canada’s Environment
- National Protected Areas
- Protecting Species at Risk
- Protecting Environmentally Sensitive Areas
- Pacific Salmon Foundation
- Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program
- Maintaining Arctic Meteorological and Navigational Services
- Addressing Toxic Chemicals
- Cleaning up Federal Contaminated Sites
- Highlights
- Chapter 4.3 - Protecting Canadians
- Chapter 5.0 - Balancing the Budget
- Chapter 5.1 - Balancing the Budget and Reducing the Debt Burden
- Chapter 5.2 - Fiscal Outlook
- Fiscal Outlook Before the Measures Announced in Economic Action Plan 2015
- Fiscal Impact of the Measures in Economic Action Plan 2015
- Summary Statement of Transactions
- Outlook for Budgetary Revenues
- Outlook for Program Expenses
- Financial Source/Requirement
- Risks to the Fiscal Projections
- Sensitivity of the Budgetary Balance to Economic Shocks
- Annex 1 - Maintaining Fiscal Balance in the Federation
- Annex 2 - International Debt Comparisons
- Annex 3 - Supporting a Strong Manufacturing Sector
- Annex 4 - Debt Management Strategy for 2015–16
- Annex 5 - Tax Measures: Supplementary Information and Notices of Ways and Means Motions
- Annex 5.1 - Tax Measures: Supplementary Information
- Annex 5.2 - Tax Measures: Notices of Ways and Means Motions

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